This was magical as ever. And that note about sitting across from him being too far… I felt that in my soul πŸ™ƒ love is so wild

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Thank you, my love. ❀️‍πŸ”₯ It truly is! I love when you talk about your relationship. It is always the biggest breath of fresh air especially amongst all of the divorce pieces that have been floating around.

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Well maybe all I want this summer are lists!! Because this is where it’s at. I just want to respond to each bullet but that’s insane. So I’ll say I laughed out loud and swooned and held you close to my heart 🀍

PS- Anyone that sweet talks an animal, no matter how feral they are…that’s my kind of people.

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You will LOVE Joe. He's the sweetest, most gentle with innocent creatures. He would swoon over Delilah.

I had so much fun making this list and it might be my summer vacation/hibernation vibes on Substack. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!!!

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She’s more than once be called an β€œacquired taste.” But aren’t the best of us? I’m sure he knows that!

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🎯 My absolute favorite people in life are described this way!!!

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Jun 17Liked by Jenovia

I have been looking for a matcha recommendation, so thank you!

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YAY!!! It really is the best and I love that they quadruple screen it for toxic mold/metals/pesticides.

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This is such a beautiful snapshot of your current days and nights, and oh how it makes me smile to know that you’re in love with life (and your love!) And a dream visit from your mom?! I know how rare and previous those visitations can feel, I want to believe they ARE real, just a dimension our ordinary 5 senses aren’t tuned to. You are a gift to this world Jenovia, and your determination to shine and not let this noisy, cluttered world derail you is an inspiration, every time I read anything you offer I feel renewed. I think I might even give matcha a try upon your recommendation! Never been able to handle caffeine of any kind, but I’m tempted to try again… πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

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Thank you, Kimberly πŸ₯Ή I'm so grateful for you. ❀️‍πŸ”₯

I feel they are real too and as hard as it is to wake up to the current reality, I'm always so glad they happen.

If the caffeine in the matcha is too strong try halving the dose. Matcha is known for being more gentle when it comes to caffeine.

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I love your magical lists. I don't drink matcha because the ones you buy out are full of sugar and I always assumed the rest were gross. I am inspired to try now because I too would like less brain fog and allergies.

Tell us who makes the mega balsam fir candle!!! I light pumpkin candles all year to feel something special.

I learn so much from you πŸ–€

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YAY! I'm so glad you enjoy them! I'm glad I can give back for all the superb book recs you supply me.

I LOVE that you light pumpkin candles all year, my kind of woman 😍

TARGET for the balsam fir! They sold out of it so Joe found it for me on eBay BUT I think they bring it back every year when fall arrives. It is truly heaven. It gives me the zoomies πŸ˜‚

Matcha has changed my life. That is not an exaggeration. I shoot it fast and then follow it with a chaser. Experiment with it. Take it with food. No food. Try it with milk, no milk. And if you have any questions, I'm here!

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Funny how a few yards can feel like miles when you truly love and adore someone. Can’t believe you spilled the beans about me talking to the raccoons. Hahahaha I can’t help myself. I talk to all animals this way. Plus I think my talks with her really softened her up. I think she can sense I mean well or maybe she’s just getting lost in my pools of wonder. 😏🀣

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It is the cutest and I love it. I don't blame her for getting lost 🀩 happens to me everyday.

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I love lots of stuff. I'm mostly just tired.

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This made me laugh out loud. You're great. I FEEL YOU on the tired.

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This list has me RIPPING AND RUNNING and also adding matcha straight to cart. What an extra bit of wonder that I can now hear your actual voice (in my head) as I read your words. I feel the for-ness you have: you are FOR women, for love, for life. I am so glad to be in your mystical realm.

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Isn't RIPPING AND RUNNING so fun to say/type?!

You will LOVE the matcha. If you don't love the taste, just shoot it like a shot and chase it with a yummy drink.

You are brilliant, Isabel and I AM so grateful that I get to be in your orbit. What a gift you are to our lives.

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What a delightful read, Jenovia. Isn't it incredible how our hearts shape our reality? xx.

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Thank you, Thaissa! It truly is incredible and I love every moment of it. ❀️‍πŸ”₯

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this was such a fun list to read! ive been digging lists lately, too. sometimes they're just way easier to digest than a whole essay, and leave so much space to play with the thoughts!

re: D'Angelo's Untitled (How Does it Feel) omg... perennial favorite. I feel like if I don't listen to it once a week, something has gone awry in my psyche.

I'm always shocked when I mention D'Angelo to someone and they don't know who I'm talking about (even after I've said, "you know the one with that music video where he's fully naked with sweat dripping down his 8 pack just wailing his heart out?"Like how did you miss this piece of art?

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I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I feel the same way. They feel so fun to read and to write. I love being shown glimpses of people's lives and what they do/love/eat/drink. I want to know all the things!

Not knowing who D'Angelo is ...is WILD, but I'm also an elder millennial and it was impossible not to know him growing up. God, I remember the very day that video dropped. Where I was, who I was with, the feelings I felt. Le sigh. What a time. I love that you love him too 🀩

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I love lists like this--an art form in and of itself for sure. πŸ’œ Just beautiful.

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Thank you, Freya! I'm so glad to hear that, especially since there will probably be more coming. ❀️‍πŸ”₯

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At least one day of frolics per week is essential for anyone. πŸ’— Loved this. I too am spending less time here. Scheduled some things for the next month, then August I'm taking off completely.

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I'm so excited for your break in August!! That sounds wonderful. I hope it is relaxing and exactly what you envision.

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Beautiful reflections, Jenovia. Speaking as a resident of Australia I can confirm koalas are as fascinating and adorable as they seem. And huntsman spiders while scary looking are actually pretty awesome. :)

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I still can't believe Australia is a real place. It truly sounds incredible. I do hear that Huntsman spiders are awesome. I believe you. Very sad that koalas are not chilling in the wild in the U.S. and also very happy we don't have Huntsman spiders. Give and take. Lol

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Hahaha yes, it all equals out.

I guess I feel compelled to share this because I’ve noticed you’ve shared photos of the beach at least once or twice in the past β€” but undeniably one of the best things about Australia is the beaches. Sometimes I forget and find myself taking it for granted, but I’ve been to a few other countries and in my bias opinion nowhere else as beaches as nice as Australia. So if you ever make it down here, Jenovia be sure to check some out. :)

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Australia truly has some of the most beautiful beaches I’ve seen in pictures.

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This was such a fun assortment of thought-provoking goodness!

I think about the rodentitude of squirrels all the time - chipmunks, too! (We call them chippies here, and we have a gazillion of them). But mice and rats can go fuck straight off? Why, because they don’t have stripes and/or bushy tails? So random.

Does matcha taste like green tea? (IS matcha green tea?). Also, can you recommend how I can try it once to see if I like it without spending an arm and a leg? I want these miraculous benefits of which you speak!

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So random. I do think mice and rats can be cute too in the right setting. Cute as a pet, NOT CUTE in my pantry tearing into my bag of beans leaving little turds in its wake. 😭

Yes, matcha is green tea! It is specially processed ground green tea leaves. The brand Encha is my second fav and they are having a 10% off sale on Amazon right now. I think it comes to about $19 for a bag.

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You are the best, thanks! 😘

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This was such a fun assortment of thought-provoking goodness!

I think about the rodentitude of squirrels all the time - chipmunks, too! (We call them chippies here, and we have a gazillion of them). But mice and rats can go fuck straight off? Why, because they don’t have stripes and/or bushy tails? So random.

Does matcha taste like green tea? (IS matcha green tea?). Also, can you recommend how I can try it once to see if I like it without spending an arm and a leg? I want these miraculous benefits of which you speak!

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Thinking of your mom visiting you in your dream, and how sacred and devastating that experience was, all at the same time. ❀️

Long live your lists, please! Seriously, I adore them. Can you see me raising a piece of celebratory Fairy Bread to your book (!) submission (!!) journey, and to wild unrestrained love, and to easy friendships, from all the way across the country?

Now, if only your raccoons could convince my raccoons to stop using my backyard as a Porta-Potty, we'd be golden.

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The mom dream. You get it. β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

I'm so so glad you like the lists. There are days/weeks where I just don't have the bandwidth for an essay but still want to connect with my people here. πŸ₯Ή

YES, I CAN SEE THE FAIRY BREAD AND FEEL IT AND I ADORE YOU!!! Thank you for always being such a DELIGHT. I have so much love for you, Maddie.

Omg, the raccoon poop. We saw a pile the other day and I was so offended. πŸ˜‚

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Mirroring the love right back atcha πŸ₯Ή I love your point about prioritizing connection over β€œperfection.” (The word perfection is obviously wrong here, of course…I really do believe there’s a time and place for all manner of newsletter formats.)

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