Aug 5Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

Bestie!! I just went for my annual after avoiding it for three years — I had a painful experience the last time and just didn’t want to deal. But after enough pressure from my mom, I found a new doctor…and I DIDN’T EVEN FEEL HER DOING THE WORK!!!! My mind exploded!! I’d found someone good, someone I could trust! And the world felt lighter.

But seriously, thank you for preaching this message and thank you, as always, for sharing the vulnerable bits — the questions and answers we’re all looking for!

I’m simply mad about you. Like Richard and Elizabeth ❤️‍🔥

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I’m MAD ABOUT YOU! Richard Burton laughing MAD! I’m so so proud of you for going. Yay for us!!! Having someone you’re comfortable with makes all the difference.

Thank you for always being so supportive and being my hand to hold 🥹 it means so much to me. 🫂

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It’s so easy!! Anytime! ❤️

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Wait…why did this not reply to you?! 😭😂

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Aug 5Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

I do this daily!!!

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Aug 5Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

YOU’RE A BRAVE ASS BIATCHÉ! YOU SAID IT AND I COSIGN. Proud of you for taking care of your health and prioritizing your wellness. Love youuu🥲

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I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Thank you and thank you for checking on me 🥹 I’m proud of me too, it was hard 😂😭

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Blanchette with the right question! 🤣

Uhm, reading this, I could feel my chest tightening up. But we can do hard things, and I needed this reminder to go get this.

So, thank you! 🙏🏼

PS- Antonio as Armand. Le sigh.

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Anxiously awaiting part II.

And our f’ed up health care system making your heart ache is such a real thing. I think about this all the time getting older. Why is this so expensive when we pay for insurance? How will we be able to afford medical emergencies when we are older? Can we afford to retire one day in this country? I’ll stop there but you get the point.

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ALL OF THAT 🎯 It’s infuriating and devastating all at the same time. The for profit healthcare system here is diabolical 👿

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YES WE CAN. Blanchette always has the right questions. She’s one of the funniest people I know,

YOU GOT THIS and I’m here if you have any questions at all. Proud of you!!! ❤️‍🔥

Antonio as Armand por vidaaaa 😍

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Aug 5Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

Wait - Aisha told you that your mammogram is not covered by insurance? Or was that just the AI review?

I’ve had several. I am convinced it hurts worse when your chi-chis are pequeño like mine. Like the machine is pulling away the little bit of skin and tissue you have attached to your body; remember when your childhood bully (my older brother) used to pinch you? In any event, it’s barbaric, no matter your size! But I’m proud of you for facing it down. Outcomes are much better when you can catch things early. I have many friends who are survivors of this particular C.

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Just the AI review wasn’t covered by insurance. They ARE barbaric!! Mine are pretty squishy and I still had skin pulling. Modern torture device! 😂 Thank you, Amy! It took me a minute to schedule the appointment but I’m so glad I did. ❤️‍🔥 Really grateful I can commiserate in the comments with my ladies 🥹

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Aug 5Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

Over90% of women who read mammograms for a living don't get them. The speck can be anything and your immune system would likely remove it without surgery. The mammogram can squash a tumor and make the cancer spread! Look into it further before you get another one!

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I actually started reading about this! I def want to explore further. ❤️‍🔥

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Aug 5Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

The more you know the better your decision will be.

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Thank you so much for this advice and reminder, I needed it.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

You're welcome. Look into nutrition. You want to eliminate processed foods, sugar and seed oils first. Cancer is a right spinning molecule and these foods are too. Cancer feeds on them.

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That’s it I’m getting my damn chi-chis checked!!! Also can’t wait for part 2! You have a way with making something as scary/mundane as a doctors appointment so gripping 🤯

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You get a vice! You get a vice! Everyone gets a chi-chis vice! *said in Oprah's Christmas episode voice* Thank you my love! Paying it forward because I was unsettled AF. 😫

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Aug 5Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

I am wildly proud of you for pushing through the supreme discomfort (physical and emotional) to make this happen—and so appreciative that you’re sharing the experience to help make it easier for all of us. (I felt the same about Michael Estrin’s hilarious account of his colonoscopy.)

It took so much effort to get my doctor relationships set up last year, after lots of procrastination due to COVID and life events. Really helps to know I’m not alone there!

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THANK YOU MADDIE because I was SO UNCOMFORTABLE 😭 Thank you for always seeing me and being so supportive. It feels so incredible to be able to connect with my ladies over something that gave me so much anxiety. Sending you a huge squeeze. 🫂

I'm going to have to check out Michael's colonoscopy post. 😂

You are not alone at all, it took me almost 9 months to book an appointment with a new dentist and I was long overdue from COVID lockdown, etc. (No cavities though, YAY! I'm an avid flosser.) I had to have very serious conversations with myself to make sure I followed through on all of it. Of course the insurance companies don't make it easy AT ALL. In network, out of network blah blah blah.

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Aug 6Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

I firmly believe that honesty and connection helps take (some of) the sting out of these anxiety-producing events!

I had some weird health issues after getting COVID (coincidentally or not), and it took pep talks with multiple people before I scheduled the CT scan I needed to rule out anything sinister. Let’s not even talk about the insurance nightmare that was involved 😅

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I agree completely! I'm so sorry you've been dealing with health issues and I am SO proud of you for scheduling the CT scan. Especially when the insurance companies make it so difficult. I hope the health issues have resolved or are at least on their way ❤️‍🩹

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Aug 6Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

Thanks, friend! I *have* lost some hearing in one ear—very random for a 37-year-old—but at least the pulsing in my left ear wasn't due to an impending brain aneurysm or tumor. (Bodies are weird, amirite?!)

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!!! I’m so sorry!! And I’m so glad it’s not a tumor *said in Arnold Schwarzenegger voice*

Bodies are so weird 😭 after taking anti-depressants then coming off of them I lost some of my hearing processing and it’s been so bizarre but I’m finally used to it. I can tell people are saying things but my brain won’t compute sometimes. Or I have to turn my head to the side like a grandma. Very grateful I can still hear tho!!

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Aug 6Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

No way—that is wild. Between the two of us, we have three good ears! If we ever meet IRL, there will be much asking to repeat ourselves 😂

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Giving the chisme on smashing chi-chis, where are the chanclas!! (those are all my favorite spanish words I can say in polite company).

I read some article recently about dense breasts and oh my the horrors of our medical system!! Why is it sometimes so hard to navigate these systems for ourselves, yet I can do it for my husband or a loved one no problem. For the longest time I had to repeat "We can do hard things" every time I went to the dentist (another modern torture device). I am so very proud of you. 🖤🖤

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Hahahahhaha!!!! Chisme is one of Joe's favorite words as well 😂 It is super fun to say and use. Your comment made me looool, thank you 😍

Dense breasts be damned. I probably read the same or similar article. Have dense breasts? You'll probs have to start with a mammogram, then probs an ultrasound, and really to be sure you'll probs need an MRI. Like WHAT???? 🤯 I am the same way. I'm a whiz when it comes to other people's appointments. For me? I'm going to go hide under the covers and pretend I don't know that time exists. The dentist is definitely on the modern torture device list.

Thank you for saying you're proud of me, it means so much ❤️‍🔥

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Aug 5Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

I really really really want to see the day when men get their balls squeezed in a device. And then they’re charged an extra $40 if they want the delux offering. 😂

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Oh gosh I have to do this every couple of years and for me the indignity is how little chi chi I have to offer that machine. They’re like squeezing armpit skin to make a boob to check. It hurts so bad!!!! I have often wondered if it would be worse for a girl with more to plunk down.

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I have handfuls and it was a tiiiiime. Working on part two today! 💥💕

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Aug 6Liked by Jenovia 🕸️

I just had my first mammogram experience in Spain. It was NOT WHAT I EXPECTED. I thought I'd be sitting facing a machine and my boobs would get sucked into a squeezing machine.

Anyway, the health insurance here is great. I went to my gyno, she wrote a scrip for the mammogram and I got it with another doctor within the hour. I also got a scrip for an endocardio gram, so I had to go back and they do an xray with a wand over your breasts. And part of the regular gyno checkup is a pelvic screening of your ovaries with the wand. All included with your yearly insurance. It's mind blowing how different it is here.

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It is indeed amazing there. We live in the healthcare slums here. So happy you had a lovely experience ❤️‍🔥

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You! Did! It!!! To congratulating ourselves and each other on doing hard things. To the wisdom and self love it takes to do them. ♥️♥️ Jenovia!!

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Author

Thank you, Holly!!! “Wisdom and self love it takes to do them” 🎯🎯🎯🫂 That hit me right in my heart. 💘

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Hahaha! I do most of my notes and comments commenting by voice text. And one of these days, I WILL remember to check before hitting send. But it hasn’t come yet. And some of the ridiculous I’ve sent out … 🤣

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