I could write five essays in response to your thoughts. I loathe the pressure women feel around their bodies for industries that create a sense of urgency, fear, lack, competition and then exploit it. We have so much inner-knowing that we lose when we say 'yes' to these pressures, but its almost impossible not to I have a great friend, age 36, who has repeatedly refused IVF "because her body doesn't want it." And I think it's such a beautiful response. She is not stressed. She believes in her capacities and in the fulness of time. Frankly, for how long we'll live the forties are the beginning of the second third of life :)

I also felt that when I found the right partner, an anchor dropped in my life and I was able to expand and heal in ways I couldn't when I was on my own. I felt like a zipping live wire (not always in a good way) and my soul mate was my grounding cord. Our relationship scaffolds me, so I can direct my energy. Some of that, I think was that I found my sexuality to be intimidating and frightening--something I could feel casting heat that affected other people in a way I didn't always intend or want. But being in relationship (and also maturing) I feel that part of myself is no longer unwieldy.

Many thanks for these reflections--my skin sighs with relief imagining the good, clean air in your apartment 🌱

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Yes yes yes to all of this!!! I’m witnessing you! And I’m an active participant in my own journey 🤍

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I second what Isabel said - I feel like you just reached into my soul. Being truly deeply loved has healed me in ways I didn't know I was wounded. All four things you list are supremely important to me, but the way you have articulated them has shown a light on how I have been letting myself get distracted. I treat your essays like a spiritual experience where I am reminded how I want to be in the world. Its like going to Jenovia church

I love Huberman Lab and I saw that article too. Never (that I have seen) has Andrew ever pretended to be a certain type of person other than a scientist. There is no pact he broke with the audience about how he behaves in his personal life. To me, this just highlights how we cannot treat public people as if they are robots devoid of the complicated parts of being human. Click bait much??

SO EXCITED FOR BEETLEJUICEEEEEEEEEEE. My husband has recently encouraged me to forego the self tanner and embrace my inner pale baddie. I believe its an attempt to turn me into a less petite Jenna Ortega 😂

I haven't read either of those books but I've heard great stuff about My Husband!

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I read "My Husband" in January and I can't recommend it enough. If you are craving something funny, weird and beautiful, this is it.

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Oh how happy I am to hear about your nesting with Joe, the thriving plants (and how could they not in your presence?!) and the simple domestic adventures of loving. All the decades of death and loss, carried inside you like dark, fertile soil, now nurturing life in its many forms. Your writing is so immediate, close, I always feel like I need to put my phone down after reading your essays, and go outside to celebrate your life with any wild thing that wants to join the party.

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Everything that consumes water to live, and needs the warmth of the suns rays to thrive, would benefit greatly from your love and attention my dear. Doing life with you has been one of the greatest gifts I’ve been given. I said everything in the letter I wrote you and I’ll leave it there to spare being redundant. You rule. I love you. 😘❤️

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my husband and I are searching for our home and I cannot *wait* to have PROJECTS!!! absolutely loved this. also need to absorb your green thumb!

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I’m just now realizing that I got so absorbed in reading the Andrew Huberman exposé (OMG, what) that I neglected to mention how much I adored reading about the beautiful life you’re creating with Joe. You make house projects and caring for plants and stepping into the magic of everyday life absolutely radiate off the page. 🤩

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Beautifully written and thoughtful, Jenovia.

I want to step into that picture of the plants!


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“The truth of my life has always been greater than fiction…” you define so well a concept I have embraced long and hard. I couldn’t possibly make up some of the shit and wonder that has happened to and for me that is far more interesting than fiction.

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